by Valerie | Jul 26, 2022 | Childhood Trauma, Parent Resources, School Resources
Memory Loss and the Signs of Unhealed Childhood Trauma in Adults It is not uncommon for us to repress memories that are traumatizing. It is the brain’s way of coping and is not something that we consciously choose to do. It is our brain attempting to protect us from...
by Valerie | Jul 12, 2022 | Childhood Trauma, Parent Resources
What Friends and Family Need to Know about Trauma-Informed Care For those who do not have adopted children with trauma, it can be hard for them to understand that traditional methods of parenting are unhelpful to your child with trauma. In fact, you’ve probably had...
by Valerie | Jun 28, 2022 | Childhood Trauma, Parent Resources
Plus Tips for Parents and Camp Counselors Summer camp is often viewed as something fun and exciting for most parents and children. However, for children with trauma, it can be difficult, or even retraumatizing, if trauma-informed care is not employed by camp...
by Valerie | Jun 14, 2022 | Childhood Trauma, Parent Resources, School Resources, Uncategorized
Helping Students from All Backgrounds Succeed in the Classroom As a teacher, when you hear the term “student engagement,” you probably think of strategies that can be built into lesson plans that help students connect and remember material better. However, you...
by Valerie | May 24, 2022 | Childhood Trauma, Parent Resources, School Resources
Why Making Assumptions about a Student’s Behavior Won’t Lead to Positive Changes in Behavior A teacher’s day is fast paced and jam packed. There are many aspects of the classroom that you have to juggle and you are constantly tweaking classroom management...
by Valerie | May 10, 2022 | Childhood Trauma, Parent Resources, School Resources
Plus How to Begin to Heal from the Effects of Childhood Trauma Trauma can happen in any stage of life. When not properly treated, it can continue to affect us well into adulthood. Trauma and our life experiences in childhood shape the way we see the world around...